
怎样编写延迟修补的申请信,请求模板?我常常听到求助者提出这种请求。比如,论文的大修,之前是帮上司帮忙的,现在正值寒假,马上就是手稿的最后期限,申请延迟答复;看看修正建议,临床很忙,忙得忘了,也要修改一下,马上到截止日期,我该怎么办?这么多的实验,只给我一个月的时间,怎么才能补?如果你也遭遇以上情形,别着急。让我们来帮你写出一篇成功的电子邮件。我们一起来看一看,模板一由于论文正文的内容变化比较大,接到催稿信但是还没有修完怎么办? 谢谢你让我们有机会进行一次重要的修订,使我们的作品达到适合于贵杂志出版的程度。然而,我们需要一个新的阶段来修正它。你能把截止日延长至截止日 XXX? 邮件主题:Asking for extending the deadline [ID-XXXXX] Dear XXX, Thanks for your email informing us that our manuscript entitled "XXX" (Manuscript ID: XXX ) is due for revision. We appreciate that you gave us a chance of major revision to improve our manuscript to a level suitable for publication in your journal. However, We need a new deadline extension for further revision. Could you please extend the deadline to XXX?Thanksforyourhelp.Bestregards,XXX模板二由于实验未结束,临近收尾日,怎么办?Thanksforyourhelp.Bestregards,XXX模板二由于实验尚未结束,临近收尾时间,我们该怎么办呢?在审稿人的建议和建议下,我们需要进一步的对对方稿进行研究。 恐怕我们无法在最后期限(XXX之前)再次提出修改。因此,如果您能够对截止日期(最好是 XXXX)进行更恰当的修正,我们会十分感谢。 邮件主题:Asking for extending the deadline [ID-XXXXX] Dear XXX, We are writing to you regarding our submitted article entitled“XXX”(Manuscript IDID-XXXXX), which is currently under revision. According to the reviewers’ suggestions and comments, we need to conduct more experiments for our manuscript. We are afraid that we are not able to re-submit the revisions by the deadline (within XXX days). Therefore, we will be most grateful if you could extend the deadline, preferably, for XXXX, so that we can revise the manuscript more appropriately. Thank you in advance for your understanding and kind assistance, and look forward to receiving your advice soon. Kind regards, XXXX 模板三 最近很忙,没时间修论文。我该怎么办? 邮件主题:Asking for extending the deadline [ID-XXXXX] 非常感谢您对手稿的仔细考虑。 邮件主题:Asking for extending the deadline [ID-XXXXX] 非常感谢您对手稿的仔细考虑。为了按照编辑者的要求,我们花更多的时间去修改。所以,我们诚恳地请 XXX每日修改手稿。如果可能的话,可以通知我们。 Dear XXX, Thank you very much for your kind consideration of this manuscript . In order to fully revise the manuscript as required by referees, we need more time to finish this revision. So, we cordially ask for additional XXX days time for revising the manuscript. Please let us know if this is possible. Kind regards, XXXX 许多作者收到审稿意见后,看修改意见很大,通常修改意见也会规定论文修复的时间,要求论文在规定的时间内提交给杂志。一些由于问题太过复杂,或是忙于其它工作,导致论文无法及时修补。在此情形下,他们可以申请延迟,并利用以上的模板,可以很容易地满足目前的需求。一些由于问题太过复杂,或是忙于其它工作,导致论文无法及时修补。在此情形下,他们可以申请延迟,并利用以上的模板,可以很容易地满足目前的需求。希望各位研究者们能收到所有的论文!